Synopsis: Blue Box #85: Internet phone calls and terrorism, Georgia Tech report on Emerging Cyber Security Threats, phone jamming, 802.1X-REV, 802.1AE, VoIP security news and more Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #85, a 32-minute podcast from Dan...

Synopsis: Blue Box #85: Internet phone calls and terrorism, Georgia Tech report on Emerging Cyber Security Threats, phone jamming, 802.1X-REV, 802.1AE, VoIP security news and more

Welcome to Blue Box: The VoIP Security Podcast #85, a 32-minute podcast  from Dan York and Jonathan Zar covering VoIP security news, comments and opinions.   

Download the show here (MP3, 15 MB) or subscribe to the RSS feed to download the show automatically. 

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Show Content:

00:20 - Intro to the show, contact information and how to provide comments.  Welcome to all the new listeners - and to all those listeners who have been here for so long!
Programming notes:

Three-year anniversary of Blue Box coming up on October 24th - any thoughts you'd like to share with us? (Please send them to us by October 23rd.)

The Times: "Internet phone calls are crippling fight against terrorism" - and my response on the Voice of VOIPSA blog
FierceVoIP: "UK crimefighting concern over VoIP calls, social networks
BBC: Data powers behind the times 

GA Tech Survey (PDF) (link about the GA conference )
Dark Reading: Cellphone Botnets, Blackmailing VOIP & a Healthy Cybercrime Economy Georgia Tech Security Report Scarier Than Its Football Team
cNet: Botnets on cell phones in 2009? Smartphone is a hotbed of security issues

VNUnet: Security industry falling behind hackers

AP: Phone Jamming in NH

GigaOm: EEF Challenges Telco Immunity in Court 

Information Week: New Protocols Secure Layer 2
Voice of VOIPSA: Asking The Cisco Systems IPICS and JPS Raytheon ACU-2000 Experts: Questions 36-40
Other Voice of VOIPSA articles
snom technology AG: snom 820 combines mature VoIP technology with exclusive design
IDC Finds Increasing Hype Around Unified Communications Is Affecting How Customers Select Telephony Systems and Services (interesting movement in the top vendors used  - Nortel out and IBM in)
Peerless VoIP Peering
Comment (IM) from Christian Wieser

Review of the last week's traffic on the VOIPSEC public mailing list

Wrap-up of the show

32:10 - End of show 

Comments, suggestions and feedback are welcome either as replies to this post  or via e-mail to [email protected].  Audio comments sent as attached MP3 files are definitely welcome and will be played in future shows.  You may also call the listener comment line at either +1-415-830-5439 or via SIP to '[email protected]' to leave a comment there. 

Thank you for listening and please do let us know what you think of the show.