Previous Episode: The New Human Era
Next Episode: Reacting vs Responding

Over the summer, one of the experiences I had as an observer made me uncover a deeper layer of my authenticity. 

We are sometimes so conditioned to behave and do certain things that at our core being are not in alignment with who we are longing to be. 

With awareness, we can become conscious of the conditioned behaviors and break the cycle by intentionally aligning to our core being.  Discerning the actions we must take and the choices we make to be in alignment with our core being, our divine self, is integral to the ascension process.  

Are you ready to take your ascension journey to the next level? 

Join the Ascension Gateway Community, where you can make real progress on your spiritual path, make connections with like-minded souls, expand further, lift higher, and make real and positive changes in your life that will set you on the path to enlightenment.

We’ll be exploring all topics related to empowerment, energy healing/clearing, intuition development, ascension gateway lessons, and many different modalities available to raise your vibration. 

Can’t wait to connect with you! 

Instagram: @Ellynkatherinealchemist 


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