We have a lot of knowledge about healthy buildings, what is a healthy building and why should we all live, work, and spend time in healthy buildings. From light, indoor air quality, temperature, acoustics to space – we know a lot.

But why do we not build healthy buildings as the most natural thing?  

Why do we build from minimum standards rather than from maximum standards? In this debate we will address the how-tos. We will share all the latest methods and tools in designing and creating healthy buildings and lead the way to maximum standards.  


Sven Buch, Development manager, Himmerland Boligforening (Social housing)   

Johanne Mose Entwistle, Head of value documentation, AART   

Jørn Toftum, Professor, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)   

Lau Markussen Raffnsøe, Technical Director, Green Building Council Denmark   

Tine Steen Larsen, Head of Division, BUILD and Aalborg University, Division of Sustainability, Energy and Indoor Environment    

Moderated by Pernille Berg, fil.dr., Science Manager, BLOXHUB 

The debate is part of an event series of 10 on the topic: "Healthy buildings - high performance - happy hearts and minds" created in partnership with PropTech Denmark, BUILD - Department of the Built Environment, LYS Technologies, Danish Sound Cluster, CLIMAID, Realdania, VELUX & BLOXHUB