So we've had a week. Blanche is back after recovering from contracting COVID. And talking through some of the emotions and thoughts she tackled this past week, we realized that we haven't really done an episode on how to tackle fears that come up in all parts of life, whether that's in training, injury recovery, pregnancy, postpartum. So join us as we talk 

01:00 Weekly update

06:00 How fear affects our bodies
10:17 How fear affects our decisions
13:40 How fear affects our mindset
19:46 Strategies to address fears

Get Moving:
30:21 Shinbox flow
Check out more mobility movements from the Rooted Strength Progressive Mobility Program which you can download here

Rooted Strength Updates:
Blossom Strong Pregnancy and Postpartum opens in July and waitlist is available now!

Related Episodes:
Episode 23: Motivation through words: Esther endures
Episode 24: Motivation through words: Blanche's rooted and resilient