Happy Mother's Day! As we near the celebration of all you mommas do for your kids and families, Blanche and Esther recognize the impact that you are making in the little movers in your lives. This episode highlights how you can incorporate fitness in various different stages as you and your child grow through pregnancy, postpartum, littles and big kiddos.

03:13 Starting a legacy of fitness begins during pregnancy
07:40 Teaching and modeling what recovery and rest can look like in initial postpartum
09:30 Mirroring the stage that baby is in
10:33 DNS baby motor development
13:50 Finding moments, using creativity to add movements that are fun to do with baby
16:28 Games that you can do with young kids for fitness
16:51 San Antonio Family Support Collective workshop: Thriving Together Fitness Play and Stretch
21:50 Start the discussion with older kids of how to be physically and emotionally strong and what that looks like
24:05 Teaching kids how to be on the same team as a family and support and love each other