Welcome and weekly update
Want to check out what Blanche is reading? The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
07:39 Start of two-part series on essential movements
09:16 Blanche's history of how the role of fitness changed
16:42 Squats, squats, squats, squats, squats 
18:44 Squatting in pregnancy looks different for different people
26:26 Hinge
30:16 Lunge
36:16 See you next week for Part 2

Need ideas on how to incorporate these movements in your workout? Check out these videos below for form and variations of squat, hinge and lunge.


bodyweight squat

paused bodyweight squat
tempo squat
goblet squat
offset squat


glute bridge
glute bridge march
elevated glute bridge
kettlebell swing
kickstand deadlift


runner's lunge
lunge flow
walking lunge
weighted lateral lunge
lateral step-ups
transverse step-ups
reverse lunges