Your hosts, Zane Simon, Connor Ruebusch & Phil Mackenzie are back. As always, we’re trying to watch the worst, most depressing, and singularly uneventful bouts we can, across the UFC, Strikeforce, PRIDE, and the WEC (with occasional jaunts into other promotions).

MMA’s history as a major televised sporting contest may only be a few decades old, but that short span is already filled with stories of what might have been. Young fighters who appeared to have all the tools necessary to become future stars, only to find their careers suddenly flamed out. Or, perhaps, relegated to a journeyman status; once bright prospects forever hopping from promotion to promotion, picking up wins and losses as fans slowly forget that they were once heralded as the next big thing.

Sounds like prime fodder for some depressing MMA. And what a better time to glut ourselves on the world of notable mixed martial arts busts than a UFC off-week. With UFC 247 just around the corner, we’re watching Konstantin Erokhin vs. Viktor Pesta, Brandon Thatch vs. Siyar Bahadurzada, and MMA’s ‘could have been’ king Sokoudjou vs. Ikuhisa Minowa—for the Super Hluk Grand Prix Final no less (you can find that fight here:

If you’d like to watch along with us, then pull up the first two fights on Fight Pass and hit play when Zane counts down. For viewers that don’t have Fight Pass, but do have the fights, they can join in by starting round 1 along with Connor’s prompt. So strap in. And if we didn’t get to dive deep enough into the world of wasted potential, don’t worry, we’ll be revisiting this topic a lot.

Be sure to follow Zane on twitter @TheZaneSimon, follow Connor, @BoxingBusch, follow Phil @EvilGregJackson, and follow @BloodyElbow for all the latest in MMA happenings. If you enjoyed our show, "heart" us here on SC, or give us a “like”, share & subscribe over on one of our other BE Presents Podcast Channels:
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