There's only one way to spend Thanksgiving and that's with a lot of cranberry sauce! As a treat, we're giving you a taste of bonus content coming to Patreon in 2024. One thing we'll be doing are movie commentaries and there was no better film to start with than the psychosexual Thanksgiving classic Blood Rage! Get your film ready (blu-ray or streaming) at 0:00:00 and hit play when this track's 1:00 minute mark! Apologies for extra background noise and the quiet spots while we were smoking lol. Take a hit and pass that spooky shit

Patreon coming in 2024! New episodes drop every Tuesday, subscribe so you don't miss out. Rate us 5 stars while you're at it! Next up, we're making shady deals with Strangers on a Train

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Specter Cinema Club Original Theme by Andrey Kinnard

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