Welcome back, friends!

In our latest episode we dust off the dirt from the Caemlyn Road and revel in the festival-like atmosphere of Rex Manning... I mean, False Dragon Day in Caemlyn!

Lan, Moiraine and Nynaeve stage a daring rescue, we meet our first Ogier and Rand manages to fail utterly at laying low by attracting the attention of a crazed Padan Fain, The Daughter Heir of Andor, the Queen, her Captain General and one of the most terrifying Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah. Nice one, Rand.

As always we meander into other topics like Perrin's slabs of muscle, the cult classic film Empire Records and how a teenage party animal chose to read A Path of Daggers instead of joining the biggest party of his young life. Truly inspiring stuff. (This is a joke.)

As always, please get in touch by emailing me at [email protected] or contacting us through our website at www.bloodandashespodcast.com

