Oh boy, Tear is bursting with ta'veren as virtually everyone converges on the troubled city. 

Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne arrive and immediately set about tracking down the Black Ajah with the help of a fan favorite character. 

Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Faile and Loial arrive and take up lodging next to a smithy where Perrin gets to flex some old muscles. Literally and figuratively. And as a result his axe gets some competition from a new hammer...

Mat and Thom arrive in the rain, at night, but immediately start searching for the girls and Comar and Mat's luck runs wild.

All this to set up a climactic finale, and yet we still get distracted by Mortal Kombat, clog design sensibilities and a double entendre that almost completely derails us. We also (foolishly) thought this might be a shorter episode due to the smaller number of chapters. Haha, how naïve we were.

Let us know what you think as we get ready for the big finale in the next episode!

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Mo, Jo and Wil

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