And we're back! Join us as we dust off the ol' brain cobwebs after a full week's break and dive right back into The Dragon Reborn. And BOY, what a set of chapters...

Perrin spies on some Forsaken, manages to piss off Moiraine to no end and has to constantly spar with Faile. Verbally, obviously.

Rand is... struggling. Haggard from the constant attacks he's lashing out in spectacular fashion.

Mat pretends not to be a hero while acting extremely heroically and cracking wise.

But the women steal the show. Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne encounter their first Aiel, and holy cow, do the sparks fly. Nynaeve conjures some insane weaves, and Aviendha and the Maidens of the Spear kick the door down. Literally.

True to form we find all sorts of miniscule detail to ponder when we're not nerding out about how rad everyone is being. Or mad. Depends on the POV.

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