Your hosts discuss the controversy surrounding Holyhoke mayor Alex Morse, the sex scandal that... wasn't. What does the attempt to gin up outrage about Morse's Tinder matching (sometimes with students as young as Legally Adult!) tell us about the current state of #MeToo? What's the difference between unwanted overtures and a bad chicken sandwich? Do Zoomers even know what love is?! Then, a viral tweetstorm ignites a debate on the merits of dissing other people's relationships (and butts), and Kat recaps the complicated history of Ren & Stimpy in light of its upcoming reboot. 


The Daily Collegian: College Democrats allege inappropriate behavior between Holyoke Mayor Alex Morse and college students The Intercept's Alex Morse scoop: COLLEGE DEMOCRAT CHATS REVEAL YEAR-OLD PLAN TO ENGINEER AND LEAK ALEX MORSE ACCUSATIONS Dan Savage on sexual risk and chicken salad A complete (we think) archive of the tweetstorm on interracial dating and flat butts Rolling Stone on the Ren & Stimpy revival Buzzfeed's expose on Jon Kricfalusi Ren & Stimpy, Season 2, "Rubber Nipple Salesmen"

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