In this episode of the SpaceTimeMind podcast we discuss supernature, a hypothetical realm that is, in some sense, above and beyond the world accessible to the natural sciences. In part one of the episode, Richard Brown and Pete Mandik are joined by science fiction author Roger Williams. In part two, we are joined by philosopher Gregg Caruso, who you may remember from episode 7 on free will. If you notice anything strange occurring while you listen to this episode, please let us know about it at It may have just been a coincidence. Or it may, just possibly, have been an intrusion into our world from the world of SUPERNATURE.

Episode Notes and Links

In this episode of the SpaceTimeMind podcast we discuss supernature, a hypothetical realm that is, in some sense, above and beyond the world accessible to the natural sciences. In part one of the episode, Richard Brown and Pete Mandik are joined by science fiction author Roger Williams. In part two, we are joined by philosopher Gregg Caruso, who you may remember from episode 7 on free will. If you notice anything strange occurring while you listen to this episode, please let us know about it at It may have just been a coincidence. Or it may, just possibly, have been an intrusion into our world from the world of SUPERNATURE.

(The audio for this episode is drawn from this video chat with Roger Williams and this video chat with Gregg Caruso.)


Roger Williams page fan blog dedicated to Williams' work: Caruso page 7: The Illusion of Free Will (with Gregg Caruso)