Next Episode: Code is law?

Most important to me?

The potential for web3 and a digital wallet (browser or otherwise, but probably browser to begin with) to be used as a replacement for OAuth or other identification systems. No more "log in with Google/Facebook/Twitter". Instead, I can have accounts on many platforms and servers where IAM is handled using my decentralized controlled-only-by-me (if I'm careful with my keys) identity.

Some people may take a very reductionist view would be to consider your identity as "data", thereby considering data ownership to be the most important thing. But identity is more than that. It is about control.  Because it is how that data is interpreted that is important. Just as "code" can be viewed as merely data - but there's more to it than that.

It's data, plus an infrastructure that interprets and takes action on the basis of what's in the data.  And in a ledger or platform-based world, without identity, you can't own things.

There need to be a specified owner.