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Did you know that the first NFT was minted way back in 2014? Neither did I, but Anthony Day helpfully pointed me at an article about the problems currently surrounding it -

The artwork the NFT (or NFTs, as you will understand if you watch the video) points (or point) to is called Quantum, and looks like a British 20 pence piece that went to too many raves in the late eighties.

An NFT (not _the_ NFT, as you will understand if you watch the video) that points to the artwork and that was auctioned for 1.5 million is now being called into question by someone who claims to own the original NFT.

It is a fascinating case, because strangely enough, the first NFT actually contained a contract assigning copyright for the artwork to the owner of the NFT. Which is unusual for art NFTs. But all the other NFTs that now exist have tenuous connections to that first NFT.

So ... who owns the original NFT?

If you are wondering why I have used the three letters N, F and T so much in this description, it is because this case involves a surprising number of them. Or not. Just watch the video, and you'll understand. Or not.

I know I don't.

Causality - a wonderfully complicated word for a wonderfully complicated concept. Now with NFTs.