In this episode of Web3 Innovators: Insights, we take a deep dive into the transformation of the internet from its decentralized origins to the centralized behemoth it became during the Web2 era.

Key Highlights:

1. The Rise of Web2 

Explore how the Web2 era brought about the emergence of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Instagram.Discover how these companies abstracted essential application protocols, fundamentally altering the internet's structure.Learn how the initial principles of decentralization gave way to centralized services.

2. The Promise of Web3

Delve into the world of Web3, where decentralization and open-source development are making a comeback.Explore key standards like ERC-20 and ERC-721 for tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).Understand the significance of Web3 protocols like the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) and Web3 naming services like Ethereum Name Service (ENS).

3. Impact of the Smartphone Revolution

Trace the evolution from desktop-centric web usage to the dominance of smartphones.Learn how the app-first approach of smartphones challenged open web standards like HTML5.Understand the role of dedicated apps in transforming the user experience and reshaping the web landscape.

4. Lessons for Web3 

Reflect on the past as we contemplate the future of Web3 and its open protocols.Discuss the potential disruptive forces that might redefine the Web3 experience.Consider the importance of learning from history to ensure a thriving, open Web3 ecosystem.

Join us as we unravel the intriguing journey from Web2 centralization to the promise of Web3 decentralization.

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