Jim Rogers is a legend in the world of investing. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and Soros Fund Management. From 1973 to 1980, the portfolio gained 4,200% while the S&P advanced about 47%. The Quantum Fund was one of the first truly global funds. In 1980, Rogers decided to "retire" and travelled on a motorcycle around the world. He is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index.


00:00:00 Intro
00:01:02 USA leaving Afghanistan and impact
00:02:45 Upcoming recessions
00:05:30 View on USA economy
00:06:37 Covid crisis /Printing economy
00:08:04 how to prepare for recession/ Where to invest
00:09:49 Does Jim own USA shares
00:10:05 Jim on Tesla
00:11:00 Jim view on China value destruction
00:12:27 Jim’s specific investment in China
00:13:26 Jim’s view on Russia
00:14:17 When to buy the recession dip
00:15:36 Looking for investments while traveling
00:18:32 Jim’s view on India
00:20:11 Jim on Europe
00:21:09 What returns Jim looks for
00:22:57 Jim’s investing mistakes
00:24:41 Jim’s life-changing investments
00:26:01 Specific investment in Russia
00:27:29 Jim's time horizon for investments
00:28:02 Advice for young on investments
00:29:53 Will China be able to replace the USA
00:33:24 Jim’s view on new trends (Blockchain)
00:34:23 Jim’s view on crypto
00:36:36 Which investors Jim roger admires
00:37:55 how would Jim assess a new investment/company
00:38:51 Companies Jim admires
00:39:54 Summary of Jim's investment thesis
00:40:24 Jim on Korea
00:41:53 Thanks and closing

My name is Rajeev Aggarwal is the host. He started his career as stock market reporter with CNBC in India. Later he took to a quieter life in Singapore as a marketing services consultant. Rajeev has started this channel to help people make sound decisions about wealth. Wealth being financial wealth (investments, entrepreneurship), spiritual and physical wealth. It is essentially my journey to live through life.

Blockcast.cc is the marketing curator for this video.