Scott Tripp (@BigONETripp) and Vibin (@VibininCrypto) get together with Blockcast to bring back the news on Do Kwon. We have recently found out communities have continued digging on Terra and it looks like Kwon might be in more trouble yet. From 20 million voting rights under his own name to 80 million dollars a month siphoned from Terra before the crash. There are many questions to be had over the next while with Do Kwon and what happened. There is a large effort right now to look into where the money went and how it has been handled since the crash.

Please keep an eye out, but as always it’s important to educate yourself about the situation you're getting into. Don’t look at a project and think that it’s great it's always important to look into a contract and see the fine print before you join. This next while in the market will be volatile with the way crypto pricing is at the moment so please be careful. Keep your eye out as well on algorithmic stable coins and the issues they are having, and hopefully, we see some change in the near future. and Asia Blockchain Community continue to bring trending topics to you. For more information, head down to