Franc Cinelli, Italian born singer/songwriter talks keeping your art pure, genuine and authentic in an age of social media and streaming. 

"My name is Franc, I write songs. Usually the folky kind, but sometimes the other kind as well. I was born in Rome and grew up in London. I was raised on a sterling collection of blues, folk, country and wholesome rock n roll music. Muddy Waters, Lucio Dalla, Lucinda Williams, Blaze Foley are some of my favourite artists. I write songs to try and figure out my place in this world, how I relate to my surroundings and try and learn to be a better man. I share my songs to try and find a common thread with other people, knowing that someone else is going through it too is both empowering and soothing. Maybe you will identify with things I write about, maybe I will identify with how you’re feeling."