The American Psychological Association:

"A form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort."


Its taking that same aggressive behavior but using technology to conduct bullying via the internet

• Email

• Social media posts and comments on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

• Blog comments

• SMS messaging

• Messaging apps

• Virtual worlds (My "Alpha World" Jupiter story- don't follow strangers)

• Gaming platforms

• "Anonymous user" apps

So now that we have some background, let's delve deeper into it. We'll look out for your comments online as well.

Q1 Where do we draw the line between online teasing and online bullying?

1) Do you think the experience on Alpha Worlds would be cyberharrassment or more like teasing? (short discussion)

2) Examples of teasing vs harrassment

a) teasing you once about a typo *vs.* characterising you as stupid, not worthy of being online, repeatedly berating

Q2 In what ways might app and social network developers contribute to cyberbullying?

3) It could be argued that anonymous apps like YOLO pretty much invite harrassment even if it's not their reason for being

4) It could also be argued that platforms that don't have rules or processes against harrassment contribute to cyberbullying

Q3 What's the biggest argument for/against holding platform developers responsible for cyberharrassment originating from their platforms?

5) FOR: the cyberharrassment wouldn't occur if the tools weren't there to do so

6) AGAINST: people are responsible for their own behavior

Q4 What online and offline resources are needed to address adult cyberbullying?

7) ONLINE: general reporting body that governs ALL platforms? A required harrassment team for all social platforms?

8) OFFLINE: specially trained counselors, police officers, training for mental health professionals, training for parents, public campaigns regarding what we can all do to end it, declaring it a public health issue

Q5 How can we best support an adult we witness being cyberbullied?

9) Screenshoot the incidents and report them,

10) Depending on the situation, support the victim privately, publicly support the victim by ignoring the bully but engaging with the victim in a kind way

Q6 If we are the friend of an adult who is engaging in cyberbullying, how could we intervene?

11) Warn him/her of legal repercussions, platform repercussions,

12) Anonymously assist the victim- maybe make a secret report

Q7 What would you tell Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) or Jack Dorsey (Twitter) to do about cyberbullying?

13) Have a dedicated team investigating reports, maybe a three-strikes and you're banned, depending on the severity

14) Make it easier for victims to report and receive status reports


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