It seems there are many root causes of the water crisis at UGU, Emfuleni, Bethal, Makhanda and a few dozen more municipalities that are eluding us in these unfolding catastrophes. We unpack these with Water Shortage South Africa CEO, Benoit Le Roy, in the Water Hour.  

Here are the questions covered in this episode.

1.  The Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a five-year plan which local government is required to compile to determine the development needs of the municipality. The projects within the IDP is linked to the municipality's budget. Are they up to date and being implemented?

2.  What is the water and rates recovery rate?

3.  What is the employment rate?

4.  What is the water asset management plan?

5.  At what rate are water assets replaced annually, very specifically piping network?

6. How many classified water and sanitation operators employed full time?

7.  How many professional engineers and scientists employed full time in the water sector?

8.  Is there full recovery of Water and Sanitation costs?

9.  What are your Blue, Green and No Drop scores?

10. What is your unaccounted for water rate and What is the strategy to mitigate?