Many mistakenly believe that only stupid people get scammed. This is simply not true. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, psychologists as well as social media influencers etc.,  have fallen victim to scams. You may be well educated in various other fields just not in the field or area of scams.

So how do we help people understand why they should not abandon family, friends and colleagues who are cyber crime survivors?

What are the psychological effects on a scam survivor and what the current gaps are in providing psychological support?

Experience shows that when you tell a person that they are being scammed, they rather become your enemy than to believe you. Why does this happen and what can friends and families do to negate this response?

Dr Dorianne Cara Weil is a clinical and organizational psychologist with over 30 years’ experience in hospital, private and corporate practice.

“Dr D” is renowned as South Africa’s leading media psychologist and she is regularly appointed for comment on current issues and was the expert psychologist on the Oscar Pistorius trial. Often a lone voice she is acclaimed for her balanced views and in-depth psychological understanding.

Dr D has interviewed the Dalai Lama, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Mother Theresa, and a host of international and local politicians, authors and renowned experts. She is known as a dynamic, knowledgeable and life changing speaker and has addressed audiences and facilitated groups in 56 countries.

In 2019 Dori was honoured by the Professional Speakers Association and inducted into the Educator Hall of Fame.

Dr D has received recognition for her outstanding contribution to the betterment of the lives of people and South African society.

She is an animatrix, a story teller, a passionate and compassionate life participant who enjoys interior design, exciting cooking, music and art. She considers her greatest achievement to be the mother of 22 year old twins – Dean Harrison and Jemma-Claire.