AFTER more than a century, the disappearance of steamship Waratah remains the greatest sea mystery of modern times. Apart from the period immediately following its disappearance, little effort has been expended in finding its final resting place. Add to that the fact that it disappeared in a storm of frightening proportions and you have what might be fairly assessed as a hopeless task.

With no experience in the field, Emlyn Brown set about climbing this nautical mountain one step at a time and slowly built a dossier on Waratah and everything to do with her.

His unrelenting course attracted the attention of famous authors, generous sponsors and even the odd self-seeking imposter. The book takes you through each of the expeditions mounted to find Waratah. From the first ‘low technology’ attempts to the final few, which employed the best technology on offer, he strived to lift the veil covering this enduring mystery. But more than that, it exposes the story behind the company which owned and built her and the decisions which may well have led to her fate.

His brother Kendal, a writer and video producer, joined him on a number of his expeditions to chronicle events as they unfolded. He also assisted in the editing of the book.