Cheryl Bassitt:

With extensive experience in healthcare and government and as a business leader, Cheryl founded UnStoppable Connections in 2010. 

She crafted a concept to help families build stronger foundations and her Toolkit was recognized by the Next Best Brilliant Idea for Humanity, International Competition. 

Cheryl’s concept includes the planting of four seeds to help a family grow, to allow them to have time to disconnect from outside noises while reconnecting to listen and respect each other, take ownership of responsibilities and celebrate each other along the way. 

She brings this same concept to businesses and assists with team building and helps companies increase productivity.


Kay Merkel Boruff:

Living in Southeast Asia 1968-1970, Kay Merkel Boruff’s Air America husband was killed flying in Laos. 

She has work in the New York Review of Books, Vanity Fair, & Texas Short Stories 2. 

Her letters were included in Love and War, 250 Years of Wartime Love Letters. 

In 2017, NPR interviewed Boruff about her Veterans’ Drama Therapy Program. 

She is the author of Z.O.S. 


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