In this episode Author, International Speaker & Consultant, Merlyna Valentine shares her incredible life and love story.  Merlyna shares how she survived an arduous physical journey to regain her health after a near death experience, that left her a quadruple amputee and how her incredible love story prevailed and flourished despite it all.   If you are feeling lost and not quite believing in love right now, or just worried and wondering if your love story will survive the odds, you need to listen to Merlyna’s story right now!  It will inspire you and make you believe in love again!


Merlyna Mathieu Valentine is an author, international speaker, and consultant. She retired from her job as an award-winning principal and educator after over thirty years of dedicated service. Ms. Valentine served as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and executive director in a highly successful school district in Louisiana. Her transformational leadership was recognized with numerous local, state, and national awards and commendations.

Ms. Valentine has been featured in several articles including a spotlight in Ebony Magazine. Her story of survival, courage, and hope was also captured in numerous television segments. Audiences were captivated by her story of how unconditional love saved her life during a featured segment on the Today Show.

Against overwhelming odds, Ms. Valentine overcame a medical tragedy and thrives in her new life. She has learned some valuable lessons since 2007, when her life as she knew it was forever changed and she experienced the closest call to death imaginable. Instead of focusing on what happened and what’s missing from her new life, she chooses to embrace this very different path with a positive attitude. She accepts no excuses and models this in her daily life.


Merlyna Mathieu Valentine can be reached:


Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Marlyna Valentine

Instagram: Marlyna_Valentine

Twitter: @Marlynainspires