In this episode Navi Bliss and guest Gwenda Lambert talk about how to know when to walk away from a relationship.


Gwenda is the founder of Life Starts Now, Personal Coach, Author and Speaker @GwendaConnects

FB @Gwenda Lambert Life Starts Now!


Gwenda's passion is helping people love themselves from the ground up. She brings 30+ years of training and organizing in the corporate and not for profit worlds, helping support people when they are on shaky ground weather it's learning a new industry, computer systems or dealing with death or dying, in a compassionate way. Her toolkit includes energy work like Ho'oponopono, skills learned becoming a certified NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach and Practitioner as well as years of her own experience as a Fitness instructor with a show on community television, competitive athlete and healing from her own health crisis of being diagnosed with PTSI (Post Traumatic Stress Injury) in 2013. She has co-authored two international bestselling books writing about her healing from inappropriate sexual attention in Now I Sing Again as part of Live Out Loud, and her experience with death and dying in Wrestling with the Urn as part of Beautiful Scars. Her main goal is to help people love themselves so they will be less afraid of others. The most important is to love all emotions as they all deserve a seat at the table.