Previous Episode: S41E8 Aftershow
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Survivor Pete and a particularly moody Producer Jim break down the latest episode of a Survivor season that's steadily outpacing expectations. You'll notice I take a long time stumbling through the logic of Shan splitting the vote, so I'm leaving a note here-mostly for myself for next episode-to explain why it was actually a savvy move: 

Shan using her extra vote advantage and then splitting it between Heather and Naseer was the most risk averse move possible (short of playing the idol for herself). While there's a slim possibility Nasier teams up with Heather and Erica to vote one of them out, the overwhelmingly probability is that Naeseer plays the idol on himself and/or votes for Heather. By splitting the vote, Shan+Ricard can prioritize Nasear and his idol going home and have Heather as a back-up in case Nasyeer protects himself -- either way an idol leaves the game. I still think using the advantage could've been avoided if they had been better at managing Nasty Nas before the vote but it was probably the smartest option to take.  In case you needed a reminder for why I'm billed as the clueless producer...