Hiya, gang. This was recorded on August 17, 2019, just a few weeks ago. Jackson’s Corner is a local restaurant about half a mile from my house. Zeke and I decided to make a morning sojourn of it, to test out some … well, re-discovered equipment. I’m very happy with the results. I forgot I … Continue reading Jackson’s Corner Walk →

Hiya, gang.

This was recorded on August 17, 2019, just a few weeks ago. Jackson’s Corner is a local restaurant about half a mile from my house. Zeke and I decided to make a morning sojourn of it, to test out some … well, re-discovered equipment. I’m very happy with the results.

I forgot I was recording, and on the way home, Menissa and I get into a conversation with Zeke. It’s all in fun, we know he doesn’t really talk. But … well, it’s fun. I almost edited it out, but hey, after seeing Frozen, I feel I have license to share my Zeke conversations. So there ya go.

Enjoy the episode, and feel free to send comments to either the Facebook page, or [email protected].

Oh, almost forgot the link. Kind of important, that.
