This week the Blindnamic Duo are getting down to business and talking accessibility on the internet!


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but why does it sometimes need more than 100 characters? Marc gets fired up about captchas, Jan relates the internet to architecture and the two delve into the staggering statistic that 70% of websites are inaccessible to the blind.


All of this, plus find out what it feels like when robots cry. (Here's a hint: They see sparks!) Listen and subscribe to get all future episodes as soon as they are released. Next week is all about books, so prepare to find out how Marc and Jan get their nerd on!


Links We Mentioned This Week


- Domino's Pizza Delivers A Game Changing Case To The U.S. Supreme Court 

- New Research Shows How The Internet Is Unavailable To Blind Users

- Lego's Playsets Are Now Accessible To People Who Are Blind


Oh yeah, follow us on social media if you haven't already! We're on Facebook at, along with Twitter at and Instagram at While you're at it, why not visit our website at too?


(Episode Art: On the left side of the image, a computer sits on a table with the words "Missile Armed" on its monitor. Standing on the right, a stick figure of Marc says, "Um... Jan?" The words "Accessibility Is Important" are written above the scene. The sketch was drawn by Marc, who is completely blind.)

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