As a famous cat once said, "It never hurts to help!"


While that usually ended in disaster for him, this week's episode of the Blind Luminations podcast proves that a little bit of thought goes a long way. Hear Marc and Jan tackle (and sometimes rant about) accessibility awareness. The two go through their experiences in dealing with unintentional issues and outright jerks. (Here's a hint: Don't create your own parking spot between two cars that are parked in accessible parking spaces!)


Anyway, after deciding on a title for the episode, the two cover lots of ground. This includes rants about blocking sidewalks, why putting a patio set between a ramp and accessible entrance is a bad idea, the need for streamlined accessibility standards and how not to get your tail lights caned. (I'm just saying... we have two different stories of people creating their own parking spots here!!! Why would anyone in their right minds think this is okay?!?!?!?!)


Calming down now... lack of sleep and lots of pent up anger make this one our longest episode to date. Be sure to tune in and tell all your friends about the fun we have together! :)


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Episode Links


The different types of accessible parking permits in Ontario, Canada -


(Episode art: Stick figures of Marc and Jan are standing in the grass. Jan yells "Get off our lawn!" and Marc responds, "Um... it's a dog." On the right side of the image, a stick figure dog says "Bark Woof!" Jan's Rant is written above the scene. The sketch was drawn by Marc, who is completely blind.)

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