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The Doctor horcruxes his Time Lord essence into a pocket watch and becomes a 1913 history professor at a boy’s bording school.  Martha is forced to take on the role of a servant to watch over the absent-minded Professor John Smith.  But the Doctor didn’t plan for the watch to fall into the hands of […]

The Doctor horcruxes his Time Lord essence into a pocket watch and becomes a 1913 history professor at a boy’s bording school.  Martha is forced to take on the role of a servant to watch over the absent-minded Professor John Smith.  But the Doctor didn’t plan for the watch to fall into the hands of a psychic…or for Smith to fall in love…

Colleen and Cheryl speak on David Tennant’s acting, the developing characterization of The Doctor, Martha’s resourcefulness, 1913 British culture, loss of innocence, and the importance of scarecrows.  Many, many scarecrows.


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