At the wise age of 23, Chalmers Brown has accomplished more in his short life than most have in their entire lives! is now Chalmers’ fifth business, all in which has a particular theme of engineering. Now, not engineering in the sense that he’s creating something tangible but more so building infrastruces/processes and procedures to help people become more efficient throughout their day. Chalmers started his first business in college, with multiple failures and of course successes he’s created is time tracking and invoicing software targeting small businesses and freelancers. Due is on a mission to make payments awesome! helps these individuals keep track of their time and lets them invoice like a pro. You can keep your times organized by clients, projects and tasks. The system itself is beautiful. The user interface is stellar, Listen to the charismatic advice from Chalmers at the 15 minute mark of this interview: Don’t be afraid to get started Chalmers feels like too many people take too much time to get started because they don’t have the right experience or the right connections. You never know until you try! Never be afraid to ask for help You never know what you will actually get out of it and it may work out much better than you anticipate Don’t be afraid to fail “Everyone fails at point or another.” Chalmers Brown Email: [email protected] Twitter: Linkedin: Personal Website: Business Website: Originally Recorded: December 5, 2015 __________ Techie, Millennial Author, WWE Fan, Podcaster. Philadelphia native, Johnathan Grzybowski started his career at 14 mowing lawns. Over 5 businesses later, Johnathan has a deep passion on bettering the lives of millennials and helping them execute their ideas into profitable businesses. It’s never been easier to start a business, but how do you make it successful? Constantly millennials are claiming to be entrepreneurs, but may not truly know what it takes to either become one or last long enough to succeed at being one. By listening/viewing The Blind Entrepreneur, we are determined to help those who are “blind” see the true struggles of business, successes, and the grind it took these millennials to succeed. #LINKS Email: [email protected] Podcast: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: grzybowskij #SUBSCRIBE iTunes: #PS. I’m a huge WWE Fan and I also love to laugh. Send me a question or phrase that makes you laugh, and I will incorporate it into my podcast. I’ll even tag you in the show notes and handle in the video!

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