Besides having cool hair, Guy is an extraordinary gentleman that is passionate about making change. Some may call him a friend, others may call him family, but I would like to classify Guy as a nomad. This young man has traveled the world and has reaped the benefits of learning from different cultures. Now, some people can say in confidence that they are focused individuals, but Guy on the other hand is on a completely different level. Guy, is laser focused on developing a better product for his company Publishizer. Originally from Australia, currently living in California (UPDATE: Guy is currently living in Bali), Guy has been working on Publishizer for 2 years now. Publishizer is a crowdfunding platform for authors and publishers. As of December 2015, Publishizer has funded $430,000+ in author earnings. Publishizer core mission is to connect authors to publishers. It has also become the first ever crowd publishing website. Get Started! There isn't a perfect idea! Guy mentions that you need to get started. Simple as that. Find engineers, talk to people, find co-founders if you need to, but just get something out there. Create an MVP and put yourself on the map. No matter what it takes to do so. Focus On Selling Something If you cant sell something, then you won't be able to get feedback on the product itself. Selling doesn't have to be the exchange of money. It could be as simple as having people sign up, but by focusing on selling, you'll be able to ask for feedback. That way, you can create a better product! Once you try to actively sell something to someone, you figure out quickly if you're creating something that has value. If its not valuable you'll know you have to change your direction. It doesn't necessarily have to be a drastic change in direction, but a slight change none the less. Keep At It When Guy was creating Publishizer, he had a couple of close calls and ended up having that feeling of giving up. Like most entrepreneurs, it's normal. But what Guy suggests is to not make any drastic decisions that could potentially derail your company, or also change the lives of those around you. Guy suggests that if you have the ability to do so. take some time off to clear your head. "If you have to take a week it." Says Mr. Vincent. If you're at that early of a stage, it could be beneficial. "Ride through those periods of doubt and you'll find new ideas or even a different approach." Once you come back, get back into the grind and try to pump things out. Guy Vincent Email: [email protected] Linkedin: GuyMV Twitter: @GuyVincey Facebook: Publishizer Website: Originally Recorded: November 19, 2015 __________ Techie, Millennial Author, WWE Fan, Podcaster. Philadelphia native, Johnathan Grzybowski started his career at 14 mowing lawns. Over 5 businesses later, Johnathan has a deep passion on bettering the lives of millennials and helping them execute their ideas into profitable businesses. It’s never been easier to start a business, but how do you make it successful? Constantly millennials are claiming to be entrepreneurs, but may not truly know what it takes to either become one or last long enough to succeed at being one. By listening/viewing The Blind Entrepreneur, we are determined to help those who are “blind” see the true struggles of business, successes, and the grind it took these millennials to succeed. #LINKS Email: [email protected] Podcast: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: grzybowskij #SUBSCRIBE iTunes: #PS. I’m a huge WWE Fan and I also love to laugh. Send me a question or phrase that makes you laugh, and I will incorporate it into my podcast. I’ll even tag you in the show notes and handle in the video!

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