Formally Alex worked for Inspirebeats which is a B2B lead generation and targeted outreach for SAAS companies, their clients include floship, formstack, and hundreds of others. Now he is the CEO of x27, a marketing company for mobile app development shops. #Timestamp 00:40- Prime Rib and Baked Potato 01:15- Introduction 02:08- Passion and How The Four Hour Work Week Changed His Life 04:00 - 13:00- How Cold Emails Has Changed Alex and The Inspirebeats Team 13:20- How to Craft a Sales Email 17:35- Have You Ever Outsourced Custom Emails 18:57- Biggest Failure 20:40- Habits That Have Helped You Become More Efficient 22:25- Resources That You Use On a Daily Basis 24:35- If You’ve Had a Job in The Past, You Have a Client, Create a List of Actionable Services, and Cold Pitches Work! If You’ve Had a Job in The Past, You Have a Client Talk to anyone who has ever paid you in the past, get on a call with that individual, and figure out what they can pay you for. Some of Alex’s best clients are the companies that he’s worked with in the past. One of the main reasons Alex transitioned to his new career, was the company he worked for gave him a four figure a month contract immediately out the gate of leaving. Once you get on the call, Alex suggests to come up with a list of ten ways the company can improve from your services. These need to be high level solutions that you can actually do. For his old company, Alex created created a marketing plan with actionable items and a price next to each service that he later used as a proposal. Cold Pitches Work! Alex was able to find his first job with ZERO connections in the most competitive job market in the world, New York City. He was able to do so by cold emailing people. At that time, Alex cold emailed 200 - 300 people a day and got a few interviews. In an attempt to separate himself from his competition (AKA other interns), Alex offered to work for free for the first month. This gave him an edge that led to him getting hired above every other intern at the fast growing startup. __________ Techie, Millennial Author, WWE Fan, Podcaster. Philadelphia native, Johnathan Grzybowski started his career at 14 mowing lawns. Over 5 businesses later, Johnathan has a deep passion on bettering the lives of millennials and helping them execute their ideas into profitable businesses. It’s never been easier to start a business, but how do you make it successful? Constantly millennials are claiming to be entrepreneurs, but may not truly know what it takes to either become one or last long enough to succeed at being one. By listening/viewing The Blind Entrepreneur, we are determined to help those who are “blind” see the true struggles of business, successes, and the grind it took these millennials to succeed. #LINKS Email: [email protected] Podcast: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: #SUBSCRIBE iTunes: #PS. I wear startup t-shirts while recording and give shoutouts to the company’s tee I am wearing. If you’d like your startup to be featured on the podcast and allow me the opportunity to wear your swag, I wear a large t-shirt!

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