If you would like to know the real hardships of entrepreneurship and understand what it's like to obtain money from a VC you need to listen to the 21 minute mark. It's some of the best and most real advice you will hear directly from a young CEO. #Timestamp 00:30- Introduction 04:20- How Poker Started His Entrepreneurship Career 09:10- Bob’s Parents Were The Perfect Combo of Who Bob is Today 10:45- Nature Vs Nurture 12:00- Struggles in Business 16:30- Was There Ever Any Doubt? And The Escape Hatch 18:30- Mental State Before and After Considerable Growth 22:00- The Article That Inspired The Interview 29:08- Entrepreneurship Isn’t For Everybody, Force Those Awkward Conversations, Honesty and DTRT, and Have Fun! 35:50- Pork Tacos! Entrepreneurship Isn’t For Everybody “I took a more pragmatic approach before becoming an entrepreneur. For me, I needed two checkmarks before I went all in: 1. Did I feel like If I didn’t do this I would be wondering for the rest of my life? 2. Do I have an idea that I have legitimately validated and have made other people extremely excited about either joining me, investing real dollars, or paying for the product/service. Before you quit your job and make a drastic move, you need to know if this idea gets you from nothing to something. A lot of people go after entrepreneurial ideas by building out a slide deck filled with information. They then tell their best friends and/or college professors about their idea, but it’s dangerous because of course they give you positive feedback! Force Those Awkward Conversations So many companies get started from not asking the right questions. Force the hard questions like, what would it take to invest 10k into the business or what would it take to join me in this journey. Getting the feedback to whats missing is so important and will help you in the long run. Honesty and DTRT There are two of our core values at RJ Metrics. Do The Right Thing (DTRT) was always an argument ender in a situation between things that are morally grey. No matter how big or small the company is, doing right by your customers makes you sleep better at night. If you apply DTRT to any situation, there is always a clear answer. BONUS Have Fun! Bob Moore Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertjmoore Website: https://rjmetrics.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/robertjmoore Personal Website: http://www.robertjmoore.com The Article That Inspired This Interview: http://technical.ly/philly/2016/02/16/rjmetrics-25-layoffs/ Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RJMetrics __________ Techie, Millennial Author, WWE Fan, Podcaster. Philadelphia native, Johnathan Grzybowski started his career at 14 mowing lawns. Over 5 businesses later, Johnathan has a deep passion on bettering the lives of millennials and helping them execute their ideas into profitable businesses. It’s never been easier to start a business, but how do you make it successful? Constantly millennials are claiming to be entrepreneurs, but may not truly know what it takes to either become one or last long enough to succeed at being one. By listening/viewing The Blind Entrepreneur, we are determined to help those who are “blind” see the true struggles of business, successes, and the grind it took these millennials to succeed. #LINKS Email: [email protected] Podcast: http://theblindentrepreneur.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jgrzybowski Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/grzybowskij Instagram: http://instagram.com/grzybowskij Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/grzybowskij #SUBSCRIBE iTunes: http://bit.ly/TBEPodcast #PS. I’m a huge WWE Fan and I also love to laugh. Send me a question or phrase that makes you laugh, and I will incorporate it into my podcast. I’ll even tag you in the show notes and handle in the video!

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