A Blog Post by Jessica Hodges

Bzzzzzzzzz! Ding!


Groaning, I roll over. Finding my phone in a tangle of bedclothes, I swipe clumsy fingers across my screen. A friend sent me a novel via text. Ordinarily, I love reading these. Right now, it’s four in the morning, and I’m in the middle of finals week, so I’d only gotten to bed two hours before. To make matters worse, it’s about shampoo, from a girl I don’t really care about at this hour. Fortunately for my half asleep and very grouchy brain, iOS has an easy solution for me. Just above Apples built in keyboard, a row of predictions can be seen. Double tapping on any of these will input it into my text field. The first one I find is a simple, “OK.” Entering it, I hit send, and go to sleep for one more hour. You can turn Predictive Type on in keyboard settings. Just ask Siri, “Hey Siri, open Keyboard Settings” and swipe down to Predictive and you can toggle this feature on or off.

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