Menus4All Vice president of Marketing, Stephany Jones, returns to the blind Abilities studio to announce the launch of their new app, Menus4All. The largest and most accessible menu for the Blind and Visually Impaired. With over 750,000 unique menus from United States and Canada, this well organized and accessible app is the cat's meow. From the voiceover accessibility, headings, near me list population and ease of use, this is the best thing since slice bread. And yes, you can search for bread or any other menu item or zip code or many other options that will suit your needs.

Co-hosting with  Jeff Thompson in the studio is Serena Olsen, aka @BlindBroad from the Facebook Live show, The Blind Grind. Stephany, Serena and Jeff share some experiences, laughs and a lot of information about the development, the usability and the multiple ways a user can buy, subscribe and utilize the Menus4All App.

Full Transcript 

Here are some links to help you find out more about Menus4All:


Get the Menus4All App on the App Store!


Contact information:


Stephanie Jones


VP of Marketing

Menus4ALL, Inc.

[email protected]


Contact Your State Services

If you reside in Minnesota, and you would like to know more about Transition Services from State Services contact Pre-ETS Program and Transition Services Coordinator Shane DeSantis at [email protected]  or 651-358-5205.


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Get the Free Blind Abilities App on the App Storeand Google Play Store.

Give us a call and leave us some feedback at 612-367-6093 we would love to hear from you!

Check out the Blind Abilities Community on Facebook, the Blind Abilities Page, and the Career Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired


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