Tickets for Blethered Live at SWG3 with Aimen Dean - Tue 30 August::

Returning listeners will be well aware of Aimen from my two previous chats with him, on the subjects of his life and career. For those who aren’t, here’s a wee bit of background.

Often described as The West’s most significant and valued spy of the 21st century, Aimen worked undercover with MI6, deep within Al Qaeda, providing a constant stream of invaluable information to the British security services. Something that has irrefutably saved thousands of lives. 

On joining MI6, Aimen’s initial debriefs took place in safe houses all over Scotland, sparking an intense love affair with the country. A nation he calls his spiritual home.

After moving to Scotland in 2019, Aimen enrolled his young daughter with one of the country’s top private girls’ schools in Edinburgh. He thought his family were set for life, in the land he chose to call home.

But now, just two and a half years later, the family is set to leave Scotland completely, as things have gone drastically wrong. 

Aimen explains the series of events that have led to this decision to leave the country for good…

And he gives his reasons for speaking out, particularly for the protection of those who may be in a similar situation in future.

Contact: [email protected]


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