Want to make a more significant difference in your life? Want to learn how to connect with God's call in your life so you can make a difference everywhere you go?

Join me today with Pastor Mike Signorelli, who says, “God didn’t call me not to trust in my plan; He called me to trust in the person who has the plan! His name is Jesus! My job is to find what that plan one day at a time and to be obedient to do it."

Mike is the Pastor of V1 Church in New York City, with 5 locations around the country and a new V1 College. His churches are some of the fastest-growing churches in the country because Mike is the real deal and lives out the message he preaches. V1 College. His churches are some of the fastest-growing churches in the country because Mike is the real deal and lives out the message he preaches.

If you want to learn more about learning to trust the person who has an amazing plan for you, check out his church and college. I must warn you.!!! You might become a world changer if you do!

V1 Church - https://v1.church/?gclid=CjwKCAjwk_WVBhBZEiwAUHQCmRndKo0-w7xl7vNGxdyCGM-bHWU9QVciJkAqggZtLXHM2HmYk3r6kBoC3xsQAvD_BwE

College - https://v1college.com/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mikesignorelli_/?hl=en

Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=mikesignorelli&t=1656611545068

00:00 Intro
00:18 Opening
02:26 Welcome Mike Signorelli
03:27 Tell us about your program
08:26 How did you navigate this leap of faith with your wife?
14:25 Being consistent as a man
20:09 Being reliant on the Lord instead of yourself.
29:03 The message of Sonship!
32:20 "The Difference a Father Makes Book."
33:28 The raising of the "Elijah's."
35:31 How did you discover how to follow God and do what you do?
38:53 Becoming a spiritual father
42:31 What's coming up in your ministry?
43:10 Mike's Contact info
51:08 Prayer

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