Have you ever wondered how you can heal from the abuse in your childhood? Join us today for a powerful story of Joel Melnichuk who was abused as a child and encountered the healing he longed for. Are you still carrying around the wounds from your past, Joel story will help you find the healing that God has for all of us. You don’t want to miss his story.



Joel will teach you how to encounter God and find the healing you have longed for.

00:00 Intro
00:18 Opening
01:24 Welcome Joel
01:57 Joel's Story
08:26 Learning to embrace your story
09:37 What made you feel safe to tell your story?
14:54 What are some things that you do to stay in that place of being a son of God?
18:29 Learning how to receive
21:56 How should we deal with the feeling of shame?
24:30 Jesus is alive!
26:03 God is waiting for you!
29:23 The world is more acquainted with the Devil than God
32:15 Creating an atmosphere of praise
34:23 Prayer
37:11 What projects do you have going on now?
37:27 Joel's contact info
40:30 The Difference a Father Makes Book