ZIG ZIGLAR IS AN AMERICAN TREASURE. AN INSPIRATIONAL ICON. Zig has passed on to the next generation the same heart of service and inspiration.

BLENDED FAMILY TODAY interviews Zig's son Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar Corporation and daughter Julie Ziglar Norman, who along with her husband Jim Norman are in a blended family.

Tom, Julie and Jim are all on the program podcast.

You often hear program co-host Dan Snell quote and even have a little fun with the listeners by impersonating Zig Ziglar. Now hear from Zig's family who have heard the messages, quotes, quips and wisdom for the last 40+ years. Dan is excited and we know you will be too.

Tom, Julie and Jim share special Ziglar family stories to brighten your heart. Their love for their Mom and Dad, and Family, is one that should be echoed across America in every family.

Tom Ziglar, who now leads the Ziglar Corporation as CEO ( www.ziglar.com ) has emerged as a 'go to' resource for sharing motivation and inspiration online, via Twitter and other technologies. Find Tom on Twitter.com Then simply search for @TOMZIGLAR

Jim and Julie share insight to motivate stepfamilies to know they can find success. They've done it! Julie and Jim are experts in marriage communication.

Jim led Ziglar Corporation in the 90's and Julie grew up around her Dad Zig, so they also know that "Stinkin' Thinkin" is not allowed in families, especially in stepfamilies trying to 'bond' together through Christ-centered unity in the home. Julie and Jim can be found at www.GrowingUpZiglar.com

We also discuss Zig Ziglar's new book arriving on shelves October 27th. Co-authored by Julie Ziglar Norman. It's called "EMBRACE THE STRUGGLE" and as always, it will inspire you to face your trials head on and work your way 'to the top'.

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