Diamond Dallas Page, better known as DDP is a Hall of Fame wrestling legend. He has been involved in the game either as a manger, wrestler, commentator, advocate or coach since the 1980's. From the early days in legion halls to WrestleMania he has seen it all.

Today, besides owning a gym which this week was the subject of an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper DDP is founder and operator of DDPY or DDP Yoga. In addition to helping wrestlers like Jake the Snake Roberts he has also helped veterans and everyday people live healthier lives. Many, like Roberts credit the DDPY program for saving their lives. This inspirational video alone has been viewed over 52 million times!

Page Magen a Torontonian has built one of the top entertainment companies in the country. A passion of his has been wrestling since he was young and to this very day he remains involved in the sport. From a wrestling standpoint he has done movies and shows with the Iron Sheik and others.

Pages joins me in talking with Dallas about his background in wrestling, and asking questions about a lifetime in and around the squared circle.

Whether you are like Jonah and only watched wrestling in the 80's or as a child or you are a die hard fan you will love the stories and the passion from DDP and Page. Irrespective of your wrestling experience or interest the yoga, well being stories are equally as entertaining and especially inspiring during this Corona experience.

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