When we think about the shutdown of sports we think about players, we think about fans, GM's, coaches, play by play teams and all those directly involved in sports as perceive them. We often don't think of those we don't hear or see and there is a large army of them out there; the freelancers.

Leagues, teams, networks and outlets had been doing the best they can in most cases to address the needs of their people as the shutdown heads towards the 4th month.

However, there is a large group of individuals who aren't affiliated with any outlet or team but who spend as much time getting us the coverage we want; the Freelancers.

John Horn is a freelancer who plays a large role in enabling the sports content we love. Unaffiliated, John, like many freelancers is able to work for many outlets, wearing many hats likely working much much more than a typical full time employee.

While sports is shutdown, John represents the forgotten. He is not collecting a pay check. He is not working. John is a Freelancer and this is his story!

If you are in the business please consider all of the freelancers like John who are doing without right now!

Brought to you by Bleav, Betonline.ag, sleepenvie and Van Der Hout Jewelry.