Several years back I was waiting for my son to finish a skating lesson in Toronto when I got a tap on my shoulder. "Are you the Toronto Sports Media guy?" a familiar voice asked me. I had never been asked that before so it took me a second to answer yes and recognize that the familiar voice was that of former Toronto Maple Leaf player turned broadcaster Nick Kypreos.

What I learned from that day forward which is echoed in his new book, “Undrafted: Hockey, Family, and What it Takes to Be a Pro.” Nick Kypreos is a good guy with strong family roots and a genuine appreciation for hard work and a recognition for where he came from and who he is.

The book is full of great stories that will make any hockey fan of a certain age smile and wince at the same time. What really resonates though is the impact of his parents, coaches, teammates, and his wife have all had on Kypreos as he has moved through his journey from tyke hockey player to peddler of pineapple booze and podcaster.

Nick talks about growing up, appreciating what he has, making it to the NHL and then the challenges of being a non- NHL star thrown into a super competitive role as a broadcaster.

Great stories for all to listen to.