In sports, there are great stories behind athletes, coaches, and staff. Those stories tend to come to life as a result of amazing storytellers, typically in the media. It is rare that those in the media share their own stories, as those who report on others tend to be relatively private about their own lives and/or they don't believe their own tale is all that remarkable or interesting.

Jon Paul Morosi's story is a really good one and in the years I have covered the media beat, I've yet to discover anyone with a bad thing to say about him.

Growing up in a small town in Michigan he was a 5'8 high school quarterback, he was raised right and yadda yadda yadda ended up at Harvard, where he earned a degree in environmental studies. Somehow, connecting dots he ends up living in Ann Arbor Michigan and is amongst the top baseball reporters in the country. A prominent presence on MLB Network, and now adding in NHL work for the NHL Network JP's story is quite amazing. If only it stopped there. He is married to, in his own words a real hero, a doctor, together they are parents of three children. He continues to interview and advise young students in their desires to attend Harvard.

Listen in to hear JP tell his story, his roots, where he got his experience, who his mentors are and how he has become so successful ~ In The Pressrow