Long time sports reporter David Shoalts joins Jonah Sigel in the Pressrow. David talks about how he got started in media, covering the Arizona Coyotes trial, the Toronto Maple Leafs, the effect of the Rogers deal on the media landscape, Bill Houston, Bob McCown, his love of OverDrive, Don Cherry and his involvement in the David Frost saga.

David Shoalts started his career as journalist in 1979 continuing on until 2019. David has written about sports and hockey broadly, The Toronto Maple Leafs, the NHL, Media, the CFL and more. He was the first journalist to spend a significant amount of time covering the legal proceedings involving The Arizona Coyotes, Jim Balsilie. in close to 40 years on the beat David has seen it and reported on it all. If you are into sports media, you will Love this.
