We hear all the time of good stories where athletes come from nowhere to be stars in their sport at all levels, so why not add one from the other side to the feel good list? We all could use a heart warming tale no?

Well, this isn't as much of a tale as it is a discussion about all things Blue Jays, but a discussion with Andrew Stoeten is in fact a good story. Andrew tells how he came to be one of the brightest and most respected writers covering the Blue Jays and baseball in the GTA and Canada.

Andrew and Jonah Sigel discuss the Alex Anthopoulos years, the transition from Beeston to Shaprio, the passing of the torch up to the current state of the franchise. Was Vladdy overhyped, what they should Rogers do with the stadium, what is holding back renovations and is the manager doing a good job are among the things Andrew dishes on.

If you are baseball fan and, or a fan of the Blue Jays you will enjoy this session.