Welcome Blazinites ( Yeah...not sure i like either. )!  Welcome to your 2017 Podcast Award winning Nominee Comic review podcast!  So kick back and let me get you all caught up in the world of Geekdom.

Comic news - Brian Micheal Bendis leaves Marvel for DC.  What does this mean for both DC and Marvel.  Blazing D breaks it down for you.

Movies news - Wonder Woman standing Strong on the Brett Rattner not being on WW 2.  Justice League first reviews not bad ( I've since seen the movie.  I loved it ).  Rian Johnson making a Brand new SW triology.  Punisher ready to puinish on Netflix this friday! 

Bonus movie news segment - I get ask alot where the Infinty Stones are.  Well with Infinity War starting soon, this is some shit you need to know.  I tell where all the know stones are and where i think the missing one is.  You're gonna wanna check this out homies.  

Comics on Review

Mr. Miracle 4 - Ok.  What the hell is gonna on in this book??  No idea, well maybe a little ( see the problem here?).  Tom King Tarintino Style make for great Dialog but I really think they missed out on a chance to expand the audience of the New Gods here.  BDR score -6.5

Star Wars 38 - Life with Jason Aaron moves on in the SW universe.  But they couldnt have pick a better replacement then Kerion Gillian.  Great start to hopefully cont a great comic. BDR score - 7.5


Batman Lost - No Dark Knight Metal fatigue here!  A crazy Batman meets Shutter Island story lets in on what Bats is going thru since we lost in the events of Metal.  Great stand alone story that will more then likey have big ramifcations for the Dark Knight later down the road BDR score - 9.0