What's up guys?  Its time for the insame ramblings of the worlds geekiest fireman!  On the show today -

Movie new

- Captain Marvel news out of SDCC is that the moive will take place in the 90's?!  What the fuck?!  We are gonna have a 2 EYED NICK FURY ( again-WTF?! )!  One question springs to mind here - Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Been?!  We've been invaded by aliens, and oh, theres was an AI that tried to kill all of us, and I'm sure Cap couldve used you during the whole Civil War thing!  Jeez woman.  The other cool notes is she will be fighting....wait for it...THE SKRULLS!  Yep. Jim Lee's creation for FF #2 will be the antaganist for the movie. Good shit right derr. 

Deadpool 2 news- Domino pic was released TODAY!  Spoiler Alert! She is Smokin hot.  Zazie Beetz looks Ah-mazing as Domino.  Check out the article on the Blazing Defender Report facebook page.

Comics on Review-

Secret Empire 7- Best of the series ( thats not saying much, but solid issue ) 7.5

Shirtless Bear Fighter 2- perfect combo of Goofy and Awesome sauce.  8.5

Thanos 9- Art takes a huge it here. but i dig the God Quarry. 7.0

Weapon X 6 - Crap, Crap, Crickety Crap 2.1

Stever Rogers Captain America 19- More of the same boring shit from Spencer here.  God please end this 4.4


XO Manowar 5  - This issue is more of the same awesome "Space Thor" I've come to love since issue 1.  Story takes a dramatic turn here though.  Outstanding issue 9.1