Happy New Year guys!!  Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday! Now it's time for COMICS!  2017 is shaping to be a Fantastic year already! Stay tuned for my best of 2016 show coming soon!  For now check out the Comic goodness this week on the BDR! Thanks for listening.


Comic                         Score

Star Wars 26               9.0

Unworthy Thor 3         8.5

JLA vs SC   3              8.0

Deadly Class 26          9.0

Seven to Eternity        9.5

Warlords of App          9.0

Don’t forget to check out lootcrate.com and enter the code GiantSizeTeamup in the code box to save some Loot on your Loot Crate (see what I did there?)!  

Please visit these links for more Blazing Defender Report and Meatheads on Movies





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Producer at Large: Mike Woodard

Publisher:  Chris Wisdom

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